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Signal Generators Sweep Function Generators 7 MHz and 12 MHz DDS  BK Precision 4007B
Sweep Function Generators 7 MHz and 12 MHz DDS – BK Precision 4007B
Models 4007B and 4013B are versatile sweep function generators utilizing an advanced direct digital synthesis (DDS) design. These instruments generate sine, square, and triangle waveforms with high signal precision and stability. Both models provide variable output voltages from 0 to 10 Vpp into 50 ohms or up to 20 Vpp into open circuit, and a continuously variable DC offset to inject signals directly into circuits at the correct bias level.
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Signal Generators Function Generator 20 Mhz  BK Precision 4040A
Function Generator 20 Mhz - BK Precision 4040A
0.2 Hz to 20 MHz
Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse & Ramp output
Coarse and Fine tuning
AM & FM modulation
Burst operation
External frequency counter to 30 MHz
Linear and log sweep
Variable duty cycle
Variable DC offset
cUL certified
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Signal Generators Function Generator 5 Mhz  BK Precision 4012A
Function Generator 5 Mhz - BK Precision 4012A
0.5 Hz to 5 MHz
Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse & Ramp output
Coarse and Fine tuning
4 digit LED display
Linear and log sweep
Variable duty cycle
Variable DC offset
Variable amplitude output plus 20dB attenuator
20Vpp output into open circuit (10Vpp into 50 Ωs)
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Water Analysis Colorimeter  WTW PhotoFlex Turb
Colorimeter - WTW PhotoFlex Turb
With its unique combination of photometric, electro-chemical pH and turbidity measurement with lab precision, the pHotoFlex® Turb is the most versatile meter for extensive work - from the environmental and process monitoring at changing sites, via fish hatcheries all the way to drinkingn water analytics and monitoring by health offices and service labs. The energy-efficient LED optics with 6 wavelengths and a smart adapter for a variety of applications with 16 and 28 mm cuvettes allows the measurement of the smallest concentration with more than 150 programs for standard parameters, special methods and coloration.
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Water Analysis Colorimeter  WTW PhotoFlex pH
Colorimeter - WTW PhotoFlex pH
With its unique multi-parameter function of photometry and electro-chemical pH measurement, pHotoFlex® pH shows its strength with more complex tasks in environmental management, such as water framework guidelines, during process monitoring with changing sites and for fish hatcheries by determining NH3 and CO2. The energy-efficient LED optics with 6 wavelengths and a captive adapter for versatile applications with 16 and 28 cuvettes allows the measurement of the smallest concentrations with more than 180 programs for standard parameters and coloration.
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Water Analysis Colorimeter  WTW PhotoFlex STD
Colorimeter - WTW PhotoFlex STD
The portable pHotoFlex® STD with energy-efficient LED optics is equipped with 6 wavelengths and a foldable adapter for various applications with 16 mm and 28 mm cuvettes, for even the smallest concentrations. With more than 180 programs for standard parameters and coloration as well as a multitude of test kits - from lot-certified cuvettes to economic powder reagents, it is suitable for monitoring by health offices via environmental monitoring all the way to service labs.
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Viscometer Viscometer Pro G  Atago
Viscometer Pro G - Atago
Viscometer is a tool used to measure the viscosity or viscosity of a solution. Most viscometer measures the velocity of a fluid flowing through the pipe glass (glass capillary), when the liquid was flowing fast then it is a low viscosity fluid (eg liquid), and when the liquid flow is slow then said high viscosity (eg honey). Viscosity can be measured by measuring the flow rate of fluid through a cylindrical tube. This is one of the easiest ways and can be used for both liquids and gases.
Atago Viscometer PRO G is monitored by our software offers a wide and unique range of rheological applications.
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Viscometer Viscometer Pro  Atago
Viscometer Pro - Atago
Viscometer is a tool used to measure the viscosity or viscosity of a solution. Most viscometer measures the velocity of a fluid flowing through the pipe glass (glass capillary), when the liquid was flowing fast then it is a low viscosity fluid (eg liquid), and when the liquid flow is slow then said high viscosity (eg honey). Viscosity can be measured by measuring the flow rate of fluid through a cylindrical tube. This is one of the easiest ways and can be used for both liquids and gases.
Atago Viscometer PRO add essential performances to determine viscosity
and other rheological features.
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Viscometer Viscometer Base Plus Atago
Viscometer Base Plus- Atago
Viscometer is a tool used to measure the viscosity or viscosity of a solution. Most viscometer measures the velocity of a fluid flowing through the pipe glass (glass capillary), when the liquid was flowing fast then it is a low viscosity fluid (eg liquid), and when the liquid flow is slow then said high viscosity (eg honey). Viscosity can be measured by measuring the flow rate of fluid through a cylindrical tube. This is one of the easiest ways and can be used for both liquids and gases.
Atago Viscometer Base Plus is suitable for Indispensable in QC and R&D laboratories.
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Viscometer Viscometer Base  Atago
Viscometer Base - Atago
Viscometer is a tool used to measure the viscosity or viscosity of a solution. Most viscometer measures the velocity of a fluid flowing through the pipe glass (glass capillary), when the liquid was flowing fast then it is a low viscosity fluid (eg liquid), and when the liquid flow is slow then said high viscosity (eg honey). Viscosity can be measured by measuring the flow rate of fluid through a cylindrical tube. This is one of the easiest ways and can be used for both liquids and gases.
Atago Viscometer Base is Low budget and easy to use.
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Water Analysis Sension Portable Meters  Hach
Sension Portable Meters - Hach
Sension+, an all-in-one system with guided menu navigation, makes general electrochemistry testing fast and simple. Each system comes complete with everything you need to start testing. Sension+ portable instruments offer real one-hand operation with ergonomic and lightweight design and IP67 protection. Screw-on calibration tubes simplify on-site calibration and minimise buffer consumption.
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Water Analysis Benchtop Meters  Hach H Series
Benchtop Meters – Hach H Series
The H-Series bencthop meters are dual-technology pH (non-glass ISFET and traditional glass). These professional meter systems come with a large LCD display with LED backlight, and have the ability to accurately measure pH (ISFET or glass), mV, Temperature, ORP, and ISE. The Benchtop models include GLP-related features and optional Bluetooth communication.
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