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Microscope fluorescence attachment MFLED  Mshot MFBYULEDMFBGULED
fluorescence attachment MF-LED - Mshot MF-BYU-LED/MF-BGU-LED
MF-LED multi-channels series LED fluorescence attachment features with built-in color LEDs as light source. Providing friendly fluorescence upgrade solution for basic fluorescence microscope users. By the modular illumination you can easily upgrade a traditional infinity upright biological microscope to fluorescence functional. Digital screen shows and remember each channel LED light intensity from 0~100%. It is compatible with laboratory microscopes Olympus, Nikon, Leica, Zeiss and others.
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Microscope Broadspectrum LED Light Source  Mshot MG30
Broad-spectrum LED Light Source - Mshot MG30
MG series broad-spectrum LED illumination is a high power LED light source for fluorescence microscope, it is used to instead of traditional mercury light source. Get together 9 pieces and 16 pieces LED bulbs in one unit to achieve multiple wavelength lighting. The light source is less give out heating, longer working life and not much maintenance needed, which is satisfied for higher requirement microscope users especially scientific research. It is workable for Olympus, Nikon, Leica, Zeiss, Mshot brands and accept customize for other brands microscope.
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Microscope Inverted biological microscope  Mshot MI52N
Inverted biological microscope - Mshot MI52-N
Inverted biological microscope MI52-N adopts excellent infinity optical system with long working distance plan objectives and wide field eyepiece. The body is compact, stable and rigidity which meets the requirement of anti-shock. The swing-in and swing-out type condenser system can achieve doing non-contaminated cultured cells observation in the high culture dish or the cylindrical flask.
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Microscope Polarizing microscope  Mshot MP41
Polarizing microscope - Mshot MP41
Polarization microscope MP41 is a professional microscope equipped with polarizing device, reflective lighting and transmitted lighting. It is favorable for studying and identifying the materials which has double refraction characteristics, by using the feature of polarizing. Users can use it to do observation of mono-polarization, orthogonal polarization and conoscopic observation. It is widely used in geology, chemistry and pharmaceutics, as well as observation of liquid polymer materials, biopolymers and crystalline phase of the liquid crystal material. This microscope is an ideal laboratory instrument for institutions and universities to conduct research and teaching.
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Microscope Cell Factory Microscope  Mshot MI52CF
Cell Factory Microscope - Mshot MI52-CF
It adopts an excellent infinity optical system, which can realize bright field and phase contrast observation. Users can observe non-contaminated cultured cells on high petri dishes or cylindrical flasks, or conduct microscopic observations of cell tissues and transparent liquid tissues, dynamic microscopic observations of cultured tissues in petri dishes, or microscopic observations of "cell factories" observe. It can be used in scientific research institutes, universities, medical and health, biomedicine, inspection and quarantine, agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy industries.
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Microscope Fluorescence microscope  Mshot MF31
Fluorescence microscope - Mshot MF31
MF31 series fluorescence microscope adopting excellent quality infinity optical system combined with LED fluorescence illuminator. The LED fluorescence system is modular design, does not need external power box, it can offer blue, green and UV fluorescence excitation groups. Digital screen shows and remember each fluorescence channel light intensity. The microscope is good for entry level fluorescence observation such as immunofluorescence and bio-fluorescence, and bright field of biological slide.
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Microscope Broadspectrum LED Light Source  Mshot MG100
Broad-spectrum LED Light Source - Mshot MG100
MG series broad-spectrum LED illumination is a high power LED light source for fluorescence microscope, it is used to instead of traditional mercury light source. Get together 9 pieces and 16 pieces LED bulbs in one unit to achieve multiple wavelength lighting. The light source is less give out heating, longer working life and not much maintenance needed, which is satisfied for higher requirement microscope users especially scientific research. It is workable for Olympus, Nikon, Leica, Zeiss, Mshot brands and accept customize for other brands microscope.

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Microscope Individual channels LED light source  Mshot MG120
Individual channels LED light source - Mshot MG120
Individual channels LED light source takes use of 4 high power LED lamp, providing high brightness and uniform brightness without lamp shadow, each channel light intensity can be controlled separately and support TTL electric frequency pulse mode trigger. The light source is compatible to microscope of Olympus, Nikon, Leica and Zeiss.
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Microscope Fluorescence microscope  Mshot MF23
Fluorescence microscope - Mshot MF23
Fluorescence biological microscope MF23 takes use of Olympus CX23 biological microscope as main body, and MSHOT self designed LED fluorescence attachment come into being a favorable epi-fluorescence microscope for lab working. Working with trinocular head the microscope is ideal for both of eyepiece view and photography on PC. The microscope is popular sued at clinical centers and university labs, used to observe cells, tissues, bacteria of bright field and immunofluorescence observation methods.
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Microscope LED fluorescence attachment  Mshot MZXLEDMZXBGLEDMZXBYLED
LED fluorescence attachment - Mshot MZX-LEDMZX-BG-LED/MZX-BY-LED
MZX-LED series LED fluorescent attachment is self-researched by Micro-shot company. It is designed to upgrade stereo microscope to fluorescence functional.The LED attachment integrates fluorescence filters and light source in one unit, switch fluorescence observation and bright field observation by wheel. Digital screen shows and remember each channel light intensity. What is more, it keeps original stereo microscope optical performance no matter depth of field or field of view.
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Microscope LED fluorescence attachment MZXLED  Mshot MZXBGVLEDMZXBYVLED
LED fluorescence attachment MZX-LED - Mshot MZX-BGV-LED/MZX-BYV-LED
MZX-LED series LED fluorescent attachment is self-researched by Micro-shot company. It is designed to upgrade stereo microscope to fluorescence functional.The LED attachment integrates fluorescence filters and light source in one unit, switch fluorescence observation and bright field observation by wheel. Digital screen shows and remember each channel light intensity. What is more, it keeps original stereo microscope optical performance no matter depth of field or field of view.
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Microscope Inverted fluorescence microscope  Mshot MF52N
Inverted fluorescence microscope - Mshot MF52-N
MF52-N is composed of LED epi-fluorescence system and inverted biological microscope.It adopts excellent infinite optical path, long working distance plan achromatic objectives and wide field eyepiece.The compact and stable high rigid body satisfied the anti vibration requirements of microscope operation. Modular design provides safely and quickly lighting adjustment and switch of fluorescent filter groups. The microscope is used for microscope observation of cell tissue and transparent liquid tissue, as well as fluorescence observation in the fields of bio-pharmaceutical, medical detection, disease prevention, etc.
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