Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is ideal for fast and gentle imaging of whole living model organisms, tissues and cells as they develop – over extended periods of time. What’s more, use ZEISS Lightsheet 7 to image large optically cleared specimens in toto – with subcellular resolution. Dedicated optics, sample chambers and holders allow adaption to the refractive index of your chosen clearing method.
Spesifikasi: Illumination Optics: Lightsheet 7 illumination optics 5× / 0.1 foc Lightsheet 7 illumination optics 10× / 0.2 foc Illumination: Transmission LED for sample positioning and overview Flexible choice of laser lines: 405 nm, 445 nm, 488 nm, 515 nm, 561 nm, 638 nm at various output power levels Detection Modules: Detection Module “Axiocam”, Axiocam 702 sCMOS with QE up to 78%, 1216 × 1920 pixels, pixel size 5.86 µm × 5.86 µm Detection Module “pco.edge”, pco.edge 4.2 CLHS with up to 82% QE, sCMOS, 1920 × 1920 pixels, pixel size 6.5 µm × 6.5 µm (requires liquid cooling) Detection Optics: Lightsheet 7 detection optics 5× / 0.16 (water immersion, WD = 5.1 mm) Lightsheet 7 detection optics 5× / 0.16 foc (clearing immersion nd = 1.33 – 1.58), WD = 10.5 mm) Lightsheet 7 detection optics 10× / 0.5 (water immersion, WD= 3.7 mm) Lightsheet 7 detection optics 20× / 1.0 (water immersion, WD= 2.4 mm) Clr Plan-Apochromat 20× / 1.0 Corr nd = 1.38 (clearing immersion, WD= 5.6 mm) Clr Plan-Neofluar 20× / 1.0 Corr nd = 1.45 (clearing immersion, WD= 5.6 mm) Clr Plan-Neofluor 20× / 1.0 Corr nd = 1.53 (clearing immersion, WD= 6.4 mm) Lightsheet 7 detection optics 40× / 1.0 (water immersion, WD= 2.5 mm) Software Processing: Lightsheet 7 Multiview Processing, Dual side Fusion, Stiching 3DXL, arivis Vision4D® Deconvolution Software Acquisition: Multidimensional imaging (time, postions, tiles, multiview) Combination of multidimensions possible with the exception of Multiview and Tiling) Semi-automatic z-offset compensation Mean and maximum fusion for dual side illumination and multiview RI compensation for optical sectioning and image size Main System Module Lightsheet 7: 800 mm × 450 mm × 500 mm 75 kg Laser Rack “LB Rack Lightsheet“: 600 mm × 700 mm × 550 mm 80 kg System Table for main System Module Lightsheet 7, Level regulated: 900 mm × 750 mm × 770 mm 90 kg
ZEISS Xradia CrystalCT® computed tomography platform uniquely augments this powerful imaging technique with the ability to reveal crystallographic grain microstructures, transforming the way polycrystalline materials (such as metals, additive manufacturing, ceramics, pharmaceuticals and others) can be studied, leading to newer and deeper insights for your materials research.
ZEISS Xradia Context® micro-computed tomography (microCT) is an easy-to-use system for analysis of all types of samples. A high-array detector enables high resolution of fine details even with relatively large imaging volumes. The system features a large field of view, rapid sample mounting and alignment, streamlined acquisition workflow and fast exposure and data reconstruction times.
In XRM, contrast depends on the material being imaged and the X-ray energy used. The Xradia Ultra family comprises of Xradia 800 Ultra, operating at 8 keV photon energy, and Xradia 810 Ultra, operating at 5.4 keV. In general, lower energy X-rays are absorbed more strongly and therefore will provide you with higher contrast for most materials. Thus, as long as transmission remains sufficient, you will experience resulting image quality and/or throughput that are greatly improved with Xradia 810 Ultra.